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Network Rail


Network Rail own, operate and develop Britain’s railway infrastructure; that’s 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and viaducts and the thousands of signals, level crossings and stations. They manage 20 of the UK’s largest stations while all the others, over 2,500, are managed by the country’s train operating companies.

Every day, more than 4.6 million journeys are made in the UK. People depend on Britain’s railway for their daily commute, to visit friends and loved ones and to get them home safe every day. Our role is to deliver a safe and reliable railway, so we carefully manage and deliver thousands of projects every year that form part of the multi-billion-pound Railway Upgrade Plan to grow and expand the nation’s railway network to respond to the tremendous growth and demand the railway has experienced.

We are building a better railway for a better Britain.

Sustainability and Supply Chain

At Network Rail, sustainability means making sure that everything we build, manage, service or develop leaves a lasting positive legacy for future generations, and keeps the impact on the environment and society at the forefront of all decisions.

We believe that good management of our economic, social and environmental impacts is key to maintaining a strong and prosperous business. We will drive efficiency, build trust and create long term value for our stakeholders.

Our goal is to embed sustainability in to our strategies, objectives and business processes, and to effectively manage our sustainability risks and opportunities across the whole lifecycle of railway works.

We aim to focus on improving the knowledge and competence of our employees, so everyone can play their part in making Network Rail a sustainability leader across Great Britain.

Why a Partner?

We became a Partner of the School to work collaboratively across our industry with clients and suppliers alike, to identify opportunities for shared learning and improved consistency and, most importantly, to work together to improve the environmental and social performance of the infrastructure sector.

“The School allows Network Rail to collaborate with industry partners and strive for consistency in relation to sustainability and supplier requirements. We have used the partnership to access training and e-learning, to benchmark against ISO 20400 Sustainable Procurement requirements, and to create bespoke programmes for leadership teams to understand the role of sustainability in their business function. The School has enabled us to build connections with other infrastructure clients, sharing good practice as well as lessons learned.”
Sara Borien, Sustainability Strategy Manager

Network Rail's Key Resources

Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon Training
Waste and Resource Efficiency