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Climate Action Group

Driving a reduction in carbon emissions from the built environment value chain.

Understanding and managing carbon in supply chains

Over 140 of our Partners and over 1100 of their suppliers are collaborating through the School to report their performance against carbon-related activities through the Carbon Calculator.

Carbon Calculator

Carbon Calculator for Suppliers – Video Guidance

There is a climate emergency – the IPCC and Committee on Climate Change state that we need to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The built environment is a significant contributor to the situation.

Through its Partners and member companies across the sector, the School has an extensive presence and reach to make a significant difference.

The School’s Climate Action Group is the forum to enable this; proactive businesses are coming together to make consistent decisions and take concerted action against carbon emissions in their own organisations and in their supply chains.

The aim of the group is to drive a reduction in carbon emissions from the built environment value chain through the products, works and services procured.

How will this be achieved?

By capturing and analysing organisational-level annual data, we can improve our knowledge of the scale of the issue, highlight priorities, and reduce emissions.

The School is enabling a common understanding across client, designer, main contractor, and supplier organisations, facilitating knowledge transfer and collaboration. The group has developed a Carbon Calculator, based on Action Sustainability’s Sustainability Tool, to record and manage supplier carbon emissions at an organisational, annual level.

Users report performance against a number of metrics in a base-unit format that is easily recognisable to anyone in the built environment. The Tool has built-in functionality to convert this performance into carbon emissions, giving all in the supply chain a chance to better understand, and therefore reduce their scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon.

The UK's net-zero ambition

The Climate Action Group’s Chair, Martin Gettings, has published a blog with edie on the UK’s net zero ambitions – a clarion call that London, and other large cities, can lead the way in reducing our climate impact in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.

Read the blog

Key Climate Change and Carbon Resources

Biodiversity and Ecology
Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon

Climate Change and Carbon E-learning Modules

Published in July 2021, these 4 e-learning modules will tell you all you need to know about measuring and reducing your carbon impact.

Energy and Carbon
Energy and Carbon

Key Topics Related to Climate Action

Energy and Carbon Training

Climate change is the biggest issue of our time and…

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Sustainable Procurement Training

Procurement that has the most positive environmental, social and economic…

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Environmental Management Training

How we deal with the potential positive and negative impacts…

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Air Quality Training

The quality of the air we all breathe often gets…

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Biodiversity and Ecology Training

‘Biodiversity’ simply refers to all living things. Every species, no…

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Sustainable Materials Training

The built environment industry can reduce the negative impacts of…

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Other Useful Links

The Sustainability Tool
Monitor and manage the impact of your projects through a sustainability performance reporting system, designed to be used for supply chain management.
Find out more
Better sustainability data, better decisions
The Sustainability Tool is the only tool in the world that allows the collection of data in a uniform way and to benchmark themselves in against industry peers.
Watch the video
Carbon Calculator for Suppliers
Video guidance covering an introduction to the Carbon Calculator and a live demo of the system, aimed at supplier organisations interested in the use of this system to calculate their organisation's carbon impact.
Watch now

Climate Action Group meeting notes

Learn more about becoming a Partner

Our Partners set the strategic direction of the School and identify key issues to address, new training to develop, supplier day and workshop content, and, just as importantly, ensure the good governance of the School.

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    Our Partners

    The Climate Action Group is a collaboration between clients, contractors and suppliers who have a mutual interest in driving a reduction in carbon emissions from the built environment value chain through the products, works and services procured.