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Homes Market Update: September 2021

Sustainability in the Homes Sector

Published 20th Aug 21 - by sophiecoyle

Top stories

TfL plans £600m Warmer Homes framework

Transport for London is planning to put together a framework of prequalified contractors for £600m-worth of domestic energy installations.

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Millions of UK homes could be heated with hydrogen by 2030

About 3 million households in the UK could begin using low-carbon hydrogen to heat their homes and cook rather than fossil fuel gas under government proposals to attract at least £4bn of investment to the hydrogen economy by 2030.


Report calls for action for more modular housing

New report calls for the government and housebuilders to come together and harness the benefits of modular housing, published by the Cambridge Centre for Housing & Planning Research and Places for People.

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September’s Featured Topic: Sustainable Procurement

Built environment projects with major contractors can pass up to 80% of spending through to their supply chain. Subsequently, sustainable procurement is a critical part of client and contractor policies and strategies, which is often reflected in tendering processes. Find out more about this topic with the recommended resources below…

Upcoming virtual training: Sustainable Procurement Lunch ‘n’ Learn

A 1 hour Lunch ‘n’ Learn to provide you with an understanding about Sustainable Procurement and the ISO 20400 standard as a framework for embedding sustainability.

Don’t miss it >>

Recommended Homes resource: Sustainable Procurement – An Introduction

This video introduces sustainable procurement – making sure that the products and services an organisation generate benefits not only for the organisation, but also for the environment, society and the economy.

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More recommended resources:

What is Whole life costing

An introduction to the concept of whole life costing by Wilmott Dixon.

Take a look >>

How to be a Responsible Supplier.

Advice on what small businesses need to understand about clients who are using the new ISO standard for sustainable procurement – ISO20400

Read now >>

SDGs and Decision Making.

Research Paper from the Centre for Environment and Sustainability, University of Surrey

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