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SP Energy Networks


Supply Chain Performance Metrics

In our Environmental Action Plan, SP Transmission has set out ambitious environmental commitments in line with our key focus areas of decarbonising our Transmission network, reducing our environmental impact and   delivering positive outcomes to people and planet.

Our strong relationship with our supply chain is critical to the successful and sustainable delivery of our plans. Our diverse suppliers and contractors provide a wide range of services throughout the whole lifecycle of assets, including design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of assets.  Beyond safe, efficient, and compliant works, we must collaborate with our supply chain: to minimize environmental impacts; set enhanced environmental standards; and drive industry-wide environmental improvements, drawing on the huge breadth and depth of expertise and services within our supply chain.

In order to achieve our targets in collaboration with our supply chain we have updated our standard contract terms, pre-qualification questionnaires and specifications. This requires suppliers and contractors to report on their environmental management performance every month.

Our parent company, Iberdrola, adopted a new supplier engagement platform, Go Supply, in 2020. All Iberdrola group suppliers are required to sign up to the platform, which provides a mechanism for assessing and recording supply chain sustainability. The suppliers must complete a sustainability questionnaire to achieve a sustainability score. If suppliers do not meet the required score improvement plans will be put in place and the suppliers will be supported to deliver changes.

We are a partner of the Supply Chain Sustainability School (SCSS) and require all our suppliers on new contracts to sign up to the school. For our suppliers, this is a free service and provides learning resources to help them on their sustainability journey. Membership of the school allows us to support smaller suppliers to build their capability to deliver enhanced sustainability standards.

As part of these enhanced environmental requirements and in order to accurately quantify our Scope 3 carbon emissions, materials used and waste generated within our projects, SP Transmission has set the following  supply chain metrics via the SMARTWASTE online platform (software for site waste management). These metrics will allow us to set reduction targets and work with our supply chain to achieve our goals.

The metric list details what information suppliers and contractors will have to provide within the SMARTWASTE platform.

View our Supply Chain KPI Metrics List here.

UK Reduction of Capital Carbon in Infrastructure: Transmission (ROCCIT)

National Grid Transmission, Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks Transmission and Scottish Power Energy Networks Transmission have formed a collaborative group – UK ROCCIT (UK Reduction of Capital Carbon in Infrastructure: Transmission) in order to address and manage the capital carbon emissions associated with developing our networks. As each company supports the low carbon transition through the development of a transmission network which will support the integration of renewables onto the grid, it is increasingly important to consider the carbon emissions associated with building this infrastructure.

The aim of the ROCCIT group is to develop a consistent approach and common methodologies to managing capital carbon emissions and to collaboratively work with our supply chain in a consistent way to create an industry wide approach to managing capital carbon emissions.

UK ROCCIT Supplier Letter

An introduction to UK ROCCIT and our position on tackling capital carbon in infrastructure.

UK Transmission Operator Carbon Product Calculator

UK Transmission Operator Guidance Document

A spreadsheet tool and associated guidance document to be used by electrical equipment suppliers, which provides an easy way to develop carbon footprints for electrical equipment supplied to the UK Transmission Network.