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Social Value Training

Employment Training

Encouraging the use of local people and those from diverse backgrounds on construction and infrastructure projects.

Encouraging a more diverse and local workforce

As an industry we are faced with major skills shortages yet we often overlook the talent pool in the local communities in which we work. We need to do more to engage local and diverse communities into our industry.

Major clients are using their procurement processes to encourage developers and their contracting partners to search for talent in their local communities. Local councils use planning conditions known as Section 106 and developers often have a planning condition that 10% or 20% of the labour onsite must come from the local community.

This ensures that as an industry we have the benefit of attracting new talent, which is essential considering the growing skills shortage.
A diverse workforce has productivity benefits and by using local labour we are giving back to the communities in which we build, creating a sense of pride and belonging.

Clients expect the supply chain to not only engage a more local and diverse workforce, but they expect this to be monitored and reported – often using monetised values. We need to be able to quantify the benefits felt by the communities in which we work.

Latest Employment resources

Here are a selection of featured employment related resources. To view more, please visit our full resource library:

Employment related topics

Employment is crucial to built environment projects and we also encourage you to take a look at these other topics within the School's library.

Employment Conditions

Getting to grips with ethical and lawful employment.

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The People Matter Charter
Learn about the People Matter Charter and how this can help future proof your business and its supply chain.
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